Thursday 7 September 2023

In spite of...The Krishna way of life

He was ever-smiling in spite of a sorrow-filled life.
He established Dharma in spite of lack of support.
In spite of being the Most powerful king, He did not expand His kingdom but focussed on uniting the Nation.
In spite of Fighting to establish and protect Dharma, He was truly non-violent. 
He is accused of being Adharmic in Mahabharata war in spite of his uncompromising commitment to Dharma. 
To show Bhishma the real nature of Dharma, He lifted a wheel in spite of his oath not to lift weapons. 

He was established in Brahmacharya in spite of being married to 16008 wives.
He accepted Gandhari's curse in spite of not being responsible for her sons' death. 
In spite of being the Lord of the Universe, He tended the cows and massaged the feet of the horses.
For accomplishing His Life's Mission He had to leave his Parents, Yashodaji n Nanda baba, Gopis and many others in spite of loving them very dearly.

He was Compassionate to his enemies also in spite of their wickedness. 
He showed His Ishvara-Svarupa to Duryodhana in spite of being disrespected in the Kauravas' court.
In spite of being insulted and threatened, He was always patient with the adharmic kings like Kamsa, Shishupal, Jarasandha.  He gave them many opportunities to repent and transform. Finally when they did not, He destroyed them, in spite of the fact that they were his relatives.

He stole the butter(vasanas) and clothes(false identification with matter) in spite of the Gopis protecting it. 
He blessed Sudama with prosperity in spite of Sudama not asking for anything. 
He gave the Subtlest Knowledge to Arjuna in spite of Arjuna's ramblings.
In spite of the devotees forgetting Him, He does not forget them. 

Life may bring many situations because of which we may feel victimised, miserable, dejected and depressed. 
To live as a master of circumstances in spite of it all is the Krishna Way of Life. The Sanatan Way of life. It is indestructible, in spite of countless attacks and attempts to annihilate it. 

Let Krishna be born in us today in spite of our ignorance & attachments
Let Krishna’s purpose - Dharma Samsthapana become ours in spite of all temptations & distractions of the sense pleasures
Let us live a life of Higher Vision, Pure love and Selfless Service in spite of...

Jai Sri Krishna! Shubh Janmashtami!

Swami Swatmananda
(Chinmaya Mission)