Friday 29 November 2013


What is the power of prayers?  What are the characteristics of a prayer?  How do we know if we are progressing in prayers or not?  What is the result of prayers?  The acronym of prayer answers some of these questions.  Our prayers will become most effective if the following characteristics are there in our prayers.

 P=Purity  R=Rest  A=Alertness  Y=Yearning  E=Empathy  R=Realisation

“When the depth(of a lake) is without mud, the surface reflects clearly the
brilliant beauty of the heavens above”
Prayer fills the mind with inspiring thoughts and noble ideals.  Prayer helps us to purify the mind and frees us from impulsiveness and negative reactions.  It should enable us to develop a positive outlook.  If we are praying daily and yet, have not transformed to become positive, we must check our prayers.

            “Mind at rest is a temple of joy.  A quiet mind produces a sharper intellect”
Our mind is constantly chattering.  Energies of the mind are dissipated in brooding.  Prayer provides conscious rest to the mind.  Silence of the mind rejuvenates, refreshes and recharges the mind.  Such a mind is most dynamic and efficient.  Mehr baba says:

A fast mind is a sick mind. 
A slow mind is a sound mind. 
A still mind is a Divine Mind.

Our prayers must help us to progress from a psychologically fast(chattering) mind to a slow and finally to a still mind.


“Alert and Vigilant Living itself is the greatest sadhana.
Alertness is the price one pays for Freedom”
Prayers help us to become alert.  To keep the mind where the hands are is alertness.  Generally our mind is never in the present.  It is preoccupied with the regrets of the past or anxieties of the future.  Prayers must be done with alertness and not mechanically or with divided attention. 

“To Know that the Lord Is, is Gnanam. 
To know that the Lord is Me, is Vignanam”
Prayers are not merely for asking favours or alleviation of sufferings from the Lord.  Prayers develop yearning for the Highest in us.  Through prayer we develop a definite attitude and a relationship with the Lord helps us to grow in peace, love & security.    For Meerabai Krishna was her beloved.  For Ramakrishna, Kali was the mother. For Samartha Ramdas, Rama was the Master.   We must introspect and find out what is the relationship we want to have with the Lord.  In prayer one must strengthen that attitude.
Such prayers will help us to increase our yearning to Know the Lord and unite with the Lord. 

“A prayer which is not said in the name of the Universe is not a prayer at all.
Prayers make us sensitive & selfless.  We grow to recognize the presence of the Lord in everything around us.  We do not restrict the Lord’s presence to temples & idols only.  Every action then becomes a prayer and an expression of love.  If we are constantly irritated, selfish and have not expanded out of our egoistic shells, our prayers are not fulfilling their purpose.


“Prayer brings together, what was never apart”

Prayer helps one to realize one’s Divine Nature as Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.  The non-apprehension that I am the Truth and the resultant mis-apprehension that I am the mortal individuality ends through prayer.  This realization is the culmination of all prayers.  It is the ‘goal’ which is to be reached through prayer.  When we are constantly aware of this grand purpose of prayer, we will not be carried away by superstitious beliefs, mechanical rituals & undue attention to externalities. Exposure of the ego and experience of the Divine is the purpose of prayer. 

Thus prayer starts with purifying the mind and culminates in the Highest realization. 

The above acronym has been inspired from the first verse of Shatpadi stotram composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

Avinayam apanaya vishno
Shamaya manah damaya vishaya-mriga-trishnaa
Bhuuta-dayaam vistaaraya
Taaraya samsaara saagaratah

Remove (my) arrogance(Purity)!  Control the mind(Rest)! Quieten the insatiable thirst for sense-pleasures(Alertness)!  O Vishnu!(Yearning) Deepen the compassion for beings(Empathy)! Take me across the ocean of transmigration(Realisation)

May we not ‘prey’ upon the objects but Pray to the Lord for purity, leading to Realization.

Note: The quotations in inverted commas are Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji’s quotations.

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