Monday 1 February 2021

Strength is Life

The essence of spirituality is conveyed by this one word – STRENGTH. The Upanishads also speak about strength. “Naayam Aatma Balaheenena labhyaha”- Self is not attained by the weak.  Swami Vivekananda said, “strength is life; weakness is death. Expansion is life; contraction is death. Love is life; hatred is death”. Tremendous amount of inner strength is required to choose the path of spirituality, to walk the path, to sustain on this path and to reach the final goal.  Swamiji’s family was in dire poverty, his sister committed suicide and yet he did not leave the spiritual path and the vision of awakening the masses to their true glory.  

“I want muscles of iron and nerves of steel, inside which dwells the mind, made of the same material as that of the thunder bolt” said Swami Vivekananda at a time when our whole country was steeped in stupor(Tamas). To bring the country out of this stupor, in a context he even said, “You will be closer to heaven by playing football than studying the Gita.” This great spiritual master had tremendous strength, which reflected in his efforts to rebuild this nation. 

Swami Vivekananda's life was an example for how inner strength, mental courage and intellectual clarity contribute to success.  There are so many people who say, 'just be good and do good in life, why bother so much about spirituality?’  Arjuna, despite being a 'good person', collapsed. So, we know that it’s not enough to be good alone, it’s important to be spiritually good.  In the most troublesome situations, a person who is spiritually anchored knows how to deal with it, will not lose balance, will face the situation, and will never become a victim. On the other hand, in spite of having everything, a person who has no inner strength, collapses. Inner motivation, inner strength, inner resilience and mental equipoise are invoked in us by spirituality. 

True spirituality encourages us to be courageous, confident, clear and cheerful. ‘To live with the positive attitude that I can face whatever life brings. I will not be an escapist, neither a victim, nor continuously blame people and circumstances’. A strong mind takes charge, never complains and is ready to act. With this spirit, Swami Vivekananda too served selflessly and fearlessly. His definition of an athiest is ‘One who does not believe in himself.’

Seeking inspiration from Swamiji's life, let us also invoke inner strength and act fearlessly. Using the acronym 'HIGHER', let us remind ourselves to push ourselves higher with these six pointers. Swami Vivekananda said, 'throw away all weaknesses. Tell your body that it is strong.'  We actually visualise being weak, being sick, being helpless. One has to visualise strength and good health. Tell your body it is strong, tell your mind it is strong and have unbound faith and hope in yourself.  Let's consider the acronym 'HIGHER': 

'H' is for 'highest goal’. Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam said – “Small aim is a crime.”  To think big is not just in terms of targets and money.  How does my work impact the world and make it a better place, transforming lives is the measure of small aim or higher aim.  Higher the vision is, the greater is the inspiration.

'I' is for 'in line with swadharma'. To identify one’s temperament, core competency and to be true to oneself is Swadharma. It helps one to integrate one’s Body-Mind-Intellect. In modern speak— it is simply, ‘do what you love and love what you do’.  Andre Agassi & Sachin Tendulkar are successful sportsmen but the former did not love tennis & the latter loved cricket.  Which type of success is better? Think!

 'G' is for 'greater fortitude'. When life hits hard, those with spiritual strength rise higher. High goals will have higher obstacles. But we need perseverance and fortitude not to give up.  A weak mind will always question, 'Can I do it? Must I do it? Will I be able to do it?' What does a strong mind say? 'We can! We must! We will!’- Swami Chinmayananda.   
Swami Vivekananda used to say, 'to succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will.  “I will drink the ocean”, says the persevering soul; “at my will mountains will crumble up.”  Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal.'  This perseverance comes from one’s conviction and love for the goal.
'H' is for a 'happy team'. The crux of team work is that we are able to let go of the individuality in the vision of the total. It means to commit oneself to selfless work. See the joy of selfless work! When we let go of this small i, there is a flood of inspiration in the heart. That is called teamwork, or as the Bhagavad Gita reveals, yajna spirit.  Swami Vivekananda was a team player. In just 5 years(1897-1902) he established the Ramakrishna Mission which is a global spiritual organisation today serving millions.   

'E' is for efficiency. Research shows that multitasking is a myth and it only reduces our efficiency. Swami Chinmayananda said, ‘Bring your mind where your hands are.’ Do everything with complete attention.  Swami Vivekanandji encouraged everyone,  ‘Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.’ 

'R' is for Result acceptance. Results are just an effect, action is the cause. Focus on the process and enjoy the process, the results will automatically accrue. Whatever results come, accept them with gratitude. This is called prasada buddhi.  Don’t get overwhelmed with disappointments or failures & don’t engage in drugs, depression etc.  Have the resilience to bounce-back.  

So, this is our acronym for strength  
H – highest vision
I – in line with swadharma
G – greater fortitude
H – happy team
E - efficiency
R – Result acceptance 
There is also a simple 'T20' formula to achieve this. Exercise for 20 mins a day, meditate for 20 mins a day and study some spiritual literature for 20 mins a day. It will empower us at the body, mind and intellectual levels. Integrate all of them, achieve great success and happiness.


1 comment:

Aparna MistryBhuta said...

Super🙏🏼,as always!!!